Re: Ok, Different Topic... Fluke 9010 Test Program for Asteroids...

From: Matt Rossiter - Verio Southern California <>
Date: Thu Dec 02 1999 - 14:10:58 EST

COOL! Way cool. I'd love to see more development of troubleshooting
programs for the Fluke 9010a. I was even going to star working on some

I've got a whole You-know-what-load of dead asteroids boards to try your
developing program on.

Keep up the work.



On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, TomW wrote:

> Gang,
> To bring the list back on a 'fun' topic...
> I've been working on a series of menu based test programs for the
> fluke 9010. I have taken the tests out of the atari cat box manual and
> brought over what I could for the asteroids board. Heres what I have
> done so far:
> The code is posed at
> 1. Ram test, the Fluke test is much better that the game test, I've
> broken the flukes test down to two rams at a time to at least get the
> 'person testing' beyond the Bit 7 @ 3E21 bad, so you get a Bad Ram R3
> M3 message instead.
> 2. Rom Test. I have taked the sig's from the rev 2 sw and broken the
> rom test up to test each chip seporatly, giving Rom XX bad. Need to
> add rev 1 here and alternate rom positions next.
> 3. Sound test, cycles each sound with a cascading menu until CONT is
> pressed for the next sound, great for debugging a missing sound.
> 4. I/O test for inputs, will show dips and buttons pressed, NOT YET
> DONE..
> 5. Vector generator, I took the atari '+' display and put it in the
> test procedure and looped it until cont is pressed, great help for the
> VG section !!
> 6. Address Decode, was in the cat box test procedure, ok for
> debugging. Has you probe a specific chip for pulse count to verify its
> swinging ok..
> I need to make a clean up pass on the code, so go easy on me, I know
> one of the displays is showing the wrong #..
> Now, I'm working on Sig analysis for the VG section, since I really
> would NOT like to cut traces or clip on dip clips specific to a chip
> to inject the stimulas sig so I'm looking for ideas on how to create
> that part of the test program. I have experimented using the atari +
> display code and I can generate a stable sig on the vg program stack
> area and again on the XY area, but you cannot get a sig from the
> vector timer or program counter area without additional stimulas that
> I have been able to figure out.. So, where I'm heading is to just load
> the program stack with cmds that would cause certian things to happen
> on a go cmd, TimerX, Halt,Stop,Go etc... and use the probe to pulse
> count again or just run the + display test and count pulses against
> that... Anyone got a VG command list and what they do ??
> I hope I made a little sense, any opinions ???
> Oh, and I've got an extra 9010 with a Z80 pod for sale.
> TomW
Received on Thu Dec 2 13:09:40 1999

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