Pins & Vids Audio Show

From: Al Warner <>
Date: Mon Dec 13 1999 - 11:39:28 EST

Hey Everyone,

I'm doing a Real Audio show about Video Games and Pinball machines and
it's web page is at the following address. It is 100% non-commercial
and I plan on keeping it that way. A little weak, but I expect it will
get better with time. If you have the chance, please check it out.
I'll take any constructive criticism (via e-mail) and I appreciate your



PS - Any ideas for future shows would be graciously accepted.

-=               Al Warner                    =-
-= Learn how to install a Cap Kit in your video game's monitor and   =-
-= see a whole lot more on my web page at:                           =-
-=                       =-
Received on Mon Dec 13 10:43:59 1999

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