Re: various vector...

From: Gregg Woodcock <>
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 00:59:28 EST

> I suggest this; we have a moderator. So let's use him. Keep the rule;
when the
> moderator determines it's being broken; poll the list for confirmation.
> (and if) we agree (democratically; largest response percentage wins), the
man is
> dropped from the list.

How about having a strict rule (the current one) and a less strict rule
which says ANYTHING vector related is OK but if it violates the strict rule
the subject must have a particular prefix such as "OTP:" (off topic post) or
something like that which lets the subscribers (and automated tools such as
archivers) ignore the message. If the subscriber is emailing stuff totoally
non-vector then use the current correction/bounce policy.
Received on Tue Jan 11 22:11:04 2000

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