Re: WTB: WG6100 tube

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Wed Feb 09 2000 - 13:07:51 EST

I called Richardson again and asked them about the Rauland M48AAWOOX and they
say the 19VATP22 is the replacement for it. They have ONE in stock at $185 and
are uncertain if they can get more. The last time they got any it took almost
a year for them to get them made. If there is an interest it would be a good
idea for someone to let them know.

In any case there IS that one lonely tube sitting there. Any takers?

"Fish, David" wrote:

> >A search of their website doesn't produce any hits for the M48AAWOOX,
> >the medium res amplifone tube. Their has been some controversy over
> >whether one of the other Amplifone tubes, the 19VNJP22 is also med res.
> >After discussing with David Fish, I am beginning to think it may be low
> >res, unfortunately. The sad conclusion of this would be that the Wells
> >Gardner 19k6400 series monitors were low res as well.. :-( In any
> >event, Richardson does not appear to carry the 19VNJP22 tubes
> >(at least
> >snip>
> Oh Jeez! Don't go by what I say, I never do! I'm far from being an
> expert on the subject. I was relating to you what a tube rebuilder
> told me and he could have been mistaken. The only way we're going to
> solve this is by either finding an old RCA and/or Rauland data book
> or sheet for these tubes. Although it may be possible to measure the
> number of triads per inch and compare. Hmmmmm...
> David Fish "We want...Information. INFORMATION
> Melrose, MA USA You won't get it!
> By hook or by crook we will"
> _The Prisoner_
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