"Universal" Atari vector replacement board

From: Matthew Sell <msell_at_ontimesupport.com>
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 13:20:19 EST

This is an idea I had while searching for a replacement Battlezone boardset
a while ago, and now seems to be similar to the "multigame" board idea now
being tossed around....

How about a single architecture board with pluggable modules to simulate
the hardware found in all (most?) Atari vector games? You could then plug
in a module or ROM set to emulate a specific game, or possibly just set DIP
switches on the board to set it up for a specific game, and then install or
plug in a ROM pack for the game to be played.

For example, to play Asteroids, set the board switches to emulate
Asteroids, and then install or switch in an Asteroids ROM set and voila!

The best benefit I see would be to have a way to replace or repair these
aging games with newer technology, while still operating on the same
nostalgic hardware (control panels, monitors, speakers, etc.). You wouldn't
have to scour Ebay or such places to find boards at a greatly inflated
price hoping they work.

Ideas? Comments? This message obviously does not tackly technical details
or the such, just merely is a point for discussion....

        - Matt

I never met a Windows box I couldn't crash......

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Received on Fri Mar 10 13:28:47 2000

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