RE: Relocatable vector games available

From: Jean Baudin <>
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 19:06:30 EST

Hey Clay,

The puzzle idea sounds cool.

here's another idea for you, using existing asteroids graphics plus a few

Make something like Raceroids (or racer-oids).

Have the player's ship start at one side of the screen and have him fly
from one side to the other through a radomized maze (think of a berzerk
maze, but a little more complicated). Put a Timer on the screen (30
seconds?) and the player gets bonus points for making it across with more
time and dies if the timer goes out or he hits a wall. The stages would be
quick.... As the levels increase obstacles and goodies can be added:

- Gravitational Pull
- Treasures in treacherous nooks (bonus points)
- Flags to tag, like a skiing game
- Asteroid Waterfalls that must be shot to pass through.
- Saucers that track after the player or remain stationary/locked (ala
- perhaps some stages contain a key that must be picked up in order to escape.
- etc., etc., etc.

Think Atari 2600 Maze Craze, meets Berzerk, meets Gravitar, meets
Tutankham, meets the maze level in Major Havoc. .

If you want I will make a mock screenshot for you. hahaha.

- jean

If this is for The Asteroids... what about mixing Asteroids, with
Berzerk... kinda like a go to one s

>>Well - while we are now loading Clay down with creeping featurism...
>>I don't have a Tempest so can't play Vector Breakout... can you get it to
>>run in the muligame???? Easily without jeopardizing the project again
>Well, the processor's the same, there's a POKEY, and I didn't use too many
>tricks in the AVG-- but I just can't imagine it would be much fun to play...
> Black and white breakout with buttons for control? Sounds like it might
>have a pretty high "ick" factor.
>I've been itching to do some new little game for a while, so maybe I'll come
>up with something. I thought it would be cool to do something that wouldn't
>be a commercial success (like if it was in an arcade), but would be kinda
>fun to play as long as you didn't have to feed it quarters.
>One that I think would be neat (IMHO) is something vaguely puzzle-like.
>Basically a set of objects scattered on the screen (different for each wave)
>that act as gravity attractors or repulsors. On the top of the screen is
>your character and you can drop something through the gravity fields. The
>object will fall (kind-of like a marble dropping on pegs), but with gravity
>affecting its path. You have a limited number of things to drop with which
>to hit a target. Hit the target, advance to next level with new placement
>of gravity thingies... Maybe moving targets or something.
>I'd also like to try a Pinball game, but I vaguely remember those being
>maybe trickier than I'd like to program...
>Suppose I could port some Atari 800 pinball game and just put the DVG
>front-end on it.
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