Re: BZ board shows right half of screen only..please help..

From: peter jones <>
Date: Wed Jan 10 2001 - 06:08:26 EST

-----Original Message-----
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 12:17:53 EST
Subject: VECTOR: BZ board shows right half of screen only..please help..

> Hello,
> This problem is NOT monitor related. This board is working, except I
> only see a right half of the screen. The signals that I'm getting from the x,
> y, and z outputs look identical to a working board. I replaced the TL084 at
> C11, I replaced Q7(3906), Q8, and Q9 (3904) in the Z output section. I'm
> guessing this problem is Z related, but I'm really not sure what to check
> next. Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks Very Much,
> Michael Kelley
I dont think it's in he Z.

in the analog area of the pcb if i remember that far back, there are 2 voltage regulators.

7815 - positive voltage regulator - 15v
7915 - negative voltage regulator - 15v

pinouts left to right are: input, gnd, output.

meter these regulators for good 15v supply.

they are responsible for he X and Y supply to move the beam.

the negative is for up and left of centre, and the positive is for right and down.
(i think!)

check them, and the i.c.'s they feed.

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