Re: Testing Concerns

From: <>
Date: Thu Feb 01 2001 - 09:55:11 EST

AFAIK, you just need to put "FS: " w/o the double quotes at the front of
the subject so it will hit the filters of people who don't want to see
those types of messages.

                    John Butler
                    <John.Butler@asu.ed To:
                    u> cc:
                    Sent by: Subject: VECTOR: Testing Concerns
                    02/01/2001 09:37 AM
                    Please respond to

Oh, what was the final verdict on selling in V-list?  Is it still as long
as a vector deal is in place that it is OK?  I had to leave the list for a
while and missed the results, and don't know where the FAQ is.

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