Re: Vector games Id like to see (The Bishop of Battle)

From: Marc Alexander <>
Date: Thu Jul 26 2001 - 21:02:49 EDT

It's moved all around the place, here's the demos, I just got the
PC version but haven't looked at it yet...

PC 3.2M:
Mac 2.7M:


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark E Davidson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 6:43 AM
Subject: VECTOR: Vector games Id like to see (The Bishop of Battle)

> In May, Neil pointed out a PC vector game called Battle Girl. You can
> read up and D/L a demo at
> Did anyone get a chance
> to play it?. Wouldn't it be great to port that over to hardware? Its a
> way cool game.
> On the same line of cool games, There was a movie in 83 called
> NIGHTMARES. It had hot shots like Emilio Estevez and Moon Zappa. The
> moves was a series of short stores, one called the The Bishop of Battle.
> The story is the tale of a kid (Emilio Estevez) and his goal to make it
> to the top level of this game, The Bishop of Battle. I wont give away
> the ending, but most of the action is in 80s arcades with all the (now)
> classics. And the The Bishop of Battle is a vector game like no other,
> that would be a totally wild, if reproduced. I converted the The Bishop
> of Battle from the DVD to a (poor) RM. file. Get it from my site if you
> can handle the 41 meg download at
> and once you see it tell me what you think!
> -=Mark=--
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