Star wars vector graphics problem

From: Daniel Piraino <>
Date: Wed Nov 21 2001 - 00:47:03 EST

   I am having a bit of trouble with this star wars I have. Has anyone
has this happen? The picture looks like its folding over on itself at an
angle at the top. It folds over from the top right corner of the screen
to the middle of the lower left quadrant of the screen. There, only half
of the display is showing on the lower left quadrant. The lower left
quadrant is sort of doing what my asteroids did when there was a bad
LS191 on the x axis. The vectors get drawn on top of each other in one
spot instead of spread across the screen. In this case only half of that
quadrant is not being drawn properly. As far as the top half of the
screen going in an angle like that, I have no guesses. Looks as if
someone folded over a corner of a page. I dont think this is a monitor
problem, but I could be wrong.
Any advice would be appreciated
Dan Piraino

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