Tech: Ampliphone Questions

From: <>
Date: Wed Nov 21 2001 - 20:52:46 EST


  I am somewhat new to the vector games. Would like some advice with 2
Ampliphone monitors.

 First is a Beige board in a Star Wars. At the bottom of the screen (all the
way across) the lines are not straight This occurs about to the middle of the
screen where the lines straighten up. I believe this is a -x problem in the
deflection board. I have recapped the board and reflowed all the pins and
wire connections. Any suggestions on what is causing this?

  The second problem is in a Quantum. It has a Blue board with no revisions.
The Game played fine for a few hours. I turned on the game the next day and
the screen has become to wide and the bottom of the screen is slanted to the
left. In fact everything seems slanted alittle but the bottom is the worst.
The board has been reflowed but I have not recapped it yet. (on order)
Anything I should check in addition to the caps?

 Thanks for your help


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