Re: Ampliphone Questions

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Tue Dec 04 2001 - 21:17:03 EST

Many of the modern multimeters have a diode test built in, you can often
test the diode in-circuit without lifting one leg. Only if it is shunted by
a lowish value resistor are you likely to have to lift the leg. Bad
reading? Then lift the leg and check again...

John :-#)#

At 08:28 PM 12/04/01, you wrote:
> I would suggest you test every resistor and diode to make sure they
> are good. Your going to have to take one leg of the diodes out of circuit
> to test them. I had a bad diode screw up my picture display. Make sure
> the resistors are above their suggested values. They could also cause
> these problems. If they all check out good, test the 2N3904 and 2N3906
> transistors.
>Dan Piraino
><> wrote:
>>I am somewhat new to the vector games. Would like some advice with 2
>>Ampliphone monitors.
>>First is a Beige board in a Star Wars. At the bottom of the screen (all
>>the way across) the lines are not straight This occurs about to the
>>middle of the screen where the lines straighten up. I believe this is a
>>-x problem in the deflection board. I have recapped the board and
>>reflowed all the pins and wire connections. Any suggestions on what is
>>causing this?
>>The second problem is in a Quantum. It has a Blue board with no
>>revisions. The Game played fine for a few hours. I turned on the game
>>the next day and the screen has become to wide and the bottom of the
>>screen is slanted to the left. In fact everything seems slanted alittle
>>but the bottom is the worst. The board has been reflowed but I have not
>>recapped it yet. (on order) Anything I should check in addition to the caps?
>>Thanks for your help

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