Re: Star Wars Help, I need the Force

From: <>
Date: Sat Dec 29 2001 - 20:01:27 EST

It's me again, I solved the problem with the - 5 volt regulator thanks to my
friend Wade. Turns out when you put a load on the out put it gives me the
correct - 5 volts so the regulators were not bad after all. With a newly
rebuilt R/A2 board giving me the correct voltages I felt safe to install the
working board set that I just got in yesterday. I powered it up and I was
greeted with the sound of 16 hi pitched beeps a pause then 16 more beeps and
again and again ;-( At first I thought yes because I had read you should get
the 16 beeps which means it passes the ROM and RAM self tests but when it
kept repeating the test I new something was wrong. I went though the manual
and it only tells about how to test using the display. My monitor is dead so
that was no help so I looked at the trouble shooting guide which I guess I
will have to start from the beginning and try to follow the steps to locate
the problem. I just thought someone may have seen this before and could save
me some time by pointing me down the right path to find the Force. I don't
want to surcome to the Dark Side. :-)
Thanks for any help.
 Help me OBI-Wan Kenobi ( I mean Vector List) your my only Hope!!!
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Received on Sat Dec 29 17:22:54 2001

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