Converting Space Duel to Major Havok

From: Randy Bissett <>
Date: Sat Jan 19 2002 - 12:38:04 EST

Currently I have Space Duel sitting in the garage gathering dust and a Major
Havok board with a Tempest conversion PCB waiting to go into an old Tempest

The biggest hold up has been getting a WG6100 working so I can convert the
Tempest into MH. And there has been a lingering trade deal for the Space
Duel that doesnt seem to come about.

Now I am wondering if I just shouldnt convert the Space Duel into Major
Havok. I am printing off the conversion specs from SPIES as I am typing
this. It will also be as clean a conversion as possible so that I can easily
reverse it if desired.

Can I use the MH to Tempest conversion PCB in my SD to MH? How difficult is
the converion from SD to MH? I know the MH to Tempest is fairly easy with
the hardest part being rotating the monitor.

If converting the SD prove to be to time consuming and not easily reversed I
may consider pulling its monitor & putting it into my Tempest. Why isnt this
my first consideration you ask?!? My Space Duel came with a factory original
Amplifone instead of the Wells Gardner.


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