Re: Hantarex Vector Monitors (Was: G05/V2000 FAQ draft)

From: Aaron Howald <>
Date: Sun Jan 20 2002 - 00:03:19 EST

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phillip Eaton" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 11:35 AM
Subject: VECTOR: Hantarex Vector Monitors (Was: G05/V2000 FAQ draft)

> OK then, if we could get colour vector monitor chassis built (I guess for a
> b/w you'd just use 1/3 of the colour), to convert say a POLO or MTC9000 to a
> vector, who would want one? How much would you pay for it?

If 25", with a med-res tube, I think $200-300 would be fair.
This would cover most needs, But if I was a dreamer,
there should be at least 3 models:
25" standard tube (cheapest)
25" med-res tube
and ideally, a 25" high-res tube (as computer monitors use)
expensive, but WOW! I have played with 15"-19" comp tubes,
the dot pitch if so fine, you see NO steps or color change on any line, at any angle!
Probably a 19" standard and high-res would be great too.

Acually, for a kit, I would just need the Yoke, I could do the rest myself!!


> Phillip Eaton

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