Re: Is this Tailgunner?

Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 11:38:36 EST

Probably has no bearing on this but I onced talked to Larry Rosenthal (for a book I'm writing) and asked about the infamous Scramble. He barely remembered the game (and really wasn't very interested in talking about VectorbeamCinematronics at all) but he did say somehting like "Oh maybe that was the game we did to use up all of those boards." (After a little bit more thinking, he vaguely remembered that they may have sold about 65 Scramble games to an overseas distributor but never released it in the U.S. at all - though they did show it at the AMOA show).

Anyway, is there any chance that this could be a Scramble? I'm sure it isn't butit would be nice.

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Received on Thu Feb 14 08:38:44 2002

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