RE: Star Wars Amplifone Flyback

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Fri Jul 12 2002 - 19:20:22 EDT

I have to agree. If the new transformer was less than $100, I might be tempted, but a difference of $40 isn't worth dealing with the unknown. For all we know, these new transformers might be worse than the original red ones.


At 04:04 PM 7/12/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Yep, you should replace the red HVT, regardless of its current
>As of this writing, there isn't any other source for replacement HVTs
>other than Wintron. Some have cobbled together a one-off work-around
>using a misc. parts. Several sources have also 'committed' to creating
>a limited production alternative solution, however this is still in the
>R&D stage.
>Now, even though I applaud those that are embarking on alternatives,
>their efforts, and their assistance to the community at large, I feel
>that such 'workbench' production HVT units are a bad idea for a number
>of reasons, and should be avoided when there is a viable, tried and
>tested source such as Wintron. My main concern is over safety -- I just
>personally don't feel the same level of safety using a workbench
>solution over a component built/supplied from a known commercial
>I agree, $190 is a lot for a single component, however from what I've
>heard regarding pricing of some of the alternative solutions, those may
>be in the $150-range, so not a tremendous difference in price.
>Additionally, I think that any $$ saved in a workbench solution would be
>lost in the overall devaluation of the game.
>So, my advice is to simply order the Wintron unit, realizing that the
>value of your game increases accordingly.
>Good luck
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of mailinglists
>> Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 2:08 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: VECTOR: Star Wars Amplifone Flyback
>> Hello, today is my first glorious day on the Vector mailing
>> list. This is
>> due to my acquiring a Star Wars game, which is ALMOST in
>> great shape. What's
>> wrong? The flyback, of course. I do know that wintron
>> manufactures them at
>> $190 a pop, and from all I've read, that's the last time
>> you'll ever need to
>> buy one. Before I spring for this, I wanted to see if there
>> were any sources
>> for any other new/used replacements, and this seems that it'd
>> be the place
>> where people may know.
>> By no means am I an electronics expert, I'm enlisting the help of a
>> gentelman who moonlights from his day job repairing arcade
>> machines for
>> private individuals. He replaced a few caps on the HV board,
>> and beleives he
>> has deducted that it's the flyback. It *IS* the original red Amplifone
>> flyback, so even if he's wrong, it couldnt hurt to replace.
>> Any help/comments would be appreciated!
>> Thanks,
>> Chris
>> PS- I did search mail archives of this list for any other
>> sources for such a
>> part, but didn't find any. Also, it seems that the archives
>> only go up to
>> July 2001. Strange!
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Received on Fri Jul 12 16:29:44 2002

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