RE: Question regarding 19K6100 HV Transformer....

From: Stempak Arcadius-ASTEMPA1 <>
Date: Mon Sep 09 2002 - 23:38:47 EDT


 Thank you for the input and you are
absolutely right, what choice do I have, eh...:-)
 By the way and with this in mind, I have
another no so quick question, but have to
ask if by some chance could this loose Ferrite
Core could somehow impact the total output, of the
HV Transformer, I.E. I can only get about 17.8 KV
out of this unit, and actually Range the HV from 14.4KV
to 17.8KV (Max).

 I will say that I have Verified All parts in the HV
Cage as good, and also add that when Power is applied
the Monitor Powers up in less than 30 Seconds, from
a Cold Start, with a decent and stable picture.

 Also verified 147.8 VDC at ZD902, 555 Timer Output,
is at 20Khz (Square Wave), etc...

 Have not totally ruled out the Deflection (Low Voltage) Board
and while on the subject, wondered if by some freak chance this
issue might somehow impact total HV Output ???

 Arcadius...... :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Gregg Woodcock []
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 10:07 PM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Question regarding 19K6100 HV Transformer....

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stempak Arcadius-ASTEMPA1" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Stempak Arcadius-ASTEMPA1" <>
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 7:56 PM
Subject: VECTOR: Question regarding 19K6100 HV Transformer....

> All,
> ****
> Have a Curious more than anything else,
> type of Question, as I myself have not
> witnessed such an event in the past.
> The other day I was working on (Repairing)
> the HV Cage from my Old X/Y -- 19K6100 Monitor.
> When turning the Cage Upside Down, to expose
> the bottom of the PCB I noticed a click, or
> at least what sounded like a click. I then
> flipped the Cage over and heard this click
> again.
> Hmmmm..... well it appears that the Ferrite Core
> (if that is what is) inside the HV Transformer
> is loose and tends to move, side to side.
> Question is, what if any impact does this have
> to the life expectancy of the HV Transformer itself ???
> Also is this normal, or did this happen due to age ???

I see this a LOT. In fact, I have seen several where the core has
rotted/decayed so much that whatever the rod screws into is just gone; the
rod falls out if you turn it upside down. I just RTV it into place and I've
never seen one die from it (although all of mine get light use). It can't
be "good" but doesn't appear to be "bad". Besides; what choice do you have?

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