Fragile games?

From: Joel Rosenzweig <>
Date: Thu Sep 12 2002 - 22:14:05 EDT

Maybe it's just me, but it seems that if I look at my Battlezone boardset
the wrong way, it breaks. I don't seem to have nearly as many problems with
any other game I own. Do others find any particular board set more fragile
than others?

Did a get well kit for Asteroids and Battlezone ever get produced, i.e. one
that replaced all the eproms with a single device, and one that replaced all
the rams with a single device? I've got several boardsets of each that
are in various malfunctioning states, and I'm gearing myself up for
repairing each of them. It occured to me that this would be a fine time to
consider the use of such a get well kit, if it exists!


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