Re[2]: HV Probes

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Sun Sep 29 2002 - 00:52:13 EDT

I've found most USAians will ship to Canada (at least), as long as I am
willing to pay the extra shipping, if you ask nicely. I do recommend you
find one that will use the postal service for overseas shipments though,
UPS etc are rather expensive even for small parcels.

I have trouble calling our neighbours to the south 'Americans', as here in
the western hemisphere we are mostly Americans - North Americans, Central
Americans and South Americans....

John ;-#)#

At 07:44 AM 29/09/2002 +0400, peter jones wrote:

>I personally still like the digital precision, but i can understand the
>fear of taking your eyes off the job.
>i tend to hook the meter onto the chassis with the table stand when i use
>my borrowed one, but it depends on the size of your meter, and how visible
>the display is.
>if all you are doing is monitors then all-in-one is o.k.
>(i use mine for other things.)
>i also did not consider e-bay, there is not so much test gear in europe.
>and there is a growing problem with U.S. e-bay sellers who refuse to ship
>beyond there borders.
>(unlike bushes policies that should stay inside those borders!)
>an adapter for a voltmeter is about 45 Euro's new.
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