Re: H1809, 1812, 1802, 1818 questions

From: Commander Dave <>
Date: Wed Jan 08 2003 - 10:01:00 EST

I can vouch that an H1809 is used in a 15V2000, and that an H1812 will not
work. This information is based on one monitor that I repaired. I think it's
great someone is putting a list together. When I was wondering about which
to use in the 15V2000, I couldn't find anything.

-Commander Dave

----- Original Message -----
From: "big dog" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 8:09 AM
Subject: VECTOR: H1809, 1812, 1802, 1818 questions

> Hi,
> I managed to get a few more H1812's and H1809's last week and wanted to
> clear a few things up before I sell them. My understand of them is
> below. Im trying to figure out for a 100% fact which monitors they go
> in, as I know they are used in both B&W Raster and Color monitors. I
> think I have it right but just want to be sure that I have not missed
> any or have some wrong.
> H1809 can be used in G05-802 and WG15V2000
> H1812 19v2000
> H1802 19v1000
> H1818 can be used in place of the H1812
> Hope someone can help,
> Mark Capps
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