Re: Star Trek Sit-Down Finally Restored

From: <>
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 20:09:00 EST

In a message dated 1/30/03 7:41:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> On the talk of flaming G08 monitors... has anyone ever actually seen
> it happen... ????

I have 3 Star Treks, cockpit, dedicated upright and a conversion in an
Asteroids cabinet. The conversion was my first video game and I got it back
in 1985. I have never had a problem with the G08 monitors other than a loose
connection on one of the paddle boards. I have cap kits for them but I
decided if it ant broke don't try to fix it. I do keep a fire extinguisher
handy but have never had to use one on a video game. Now If you have a FORD
car that's a different story. Had a 1984 LTD go up in flames.

Hey Clay, any new progress on the Mulit Sound Card?

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In Virginia

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Received on Thu Jan 30 17:09:29 2003

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