Re: Cinematronics monitor: no horizontal intensity?

From: Zonn <>
Date: Fri Mar 28 2003 - 18:52:29 EST

On Fri, 28 Mar 2003 01:17:03 -0600, "Gregg Woodcock" <> wrote:

>I have a monitor in a Space Wars with a strange problem I can't wrap my
>brain around. I have perfect +/- Horizontal *deflection* as well as perfect
>+/- Vertical deflection. All vectors are the proper size, position and
>shape. The problem is that the horizontal intensities are 0. Now I know
>there's no horizontal intensity; there's only a merged/vector intensity.
>But that fact is EXACTLY what is freaking me out! I know the problem is in
>the monitor as I have another that works fine. If I can just figure out HOW
>such a symptom might be generated, I'm sure I'll narrow in on it
>immediately. The problem is primarily lack of experience; I've only ever
>had *deflection* problems (never even HV on these guys). I just can't
>understand how I'd get an intensity issue only for horizontal when the
>intensity is a shared signal. For example, if I coin up 4:30, the display
>*should* look like this:
>| | --| |--|
>|--| : --| | |
> | --| |--|

You might try replacing the LF13331, one section might have gone out in it, and
they just seem to fail a lot. You didn't say whether you can display diagonal
lines at all. Just that *more* vertical are proper intensity, are they properly

Whether it is the LF13331 or not, you should add the diode recommended by
Cinematronics to keep it from either failing, or failing again. I don't have
them here at work or I'd put them online. I also couldn't find them in an
google search, but they are part of Tom's Cine monitor FAQ so I cut and pasted
them to the end of this message.

>but instead looks like this where all horizontal lines look like dots on the
>endpoints (maybe just 1 end):
>| | . | | |
>| | : . | | |
> | . | | |
>Additionally, it appears that whenever the vector has more VERTICAL than
>horizontal it has the proper intensity (as I recall Space War/s only used
>on/off, not high/low/off)

Space War/s games use high/low/off. High when your ship explodes, and I think
the asteroid is high all the time.


The following is blatantly stolen from Tom McClintock's "(Soon to be released.
Really!)" Cinematronics Vector Monitor FAQ. Hopefully he won't get too upset.



The following are a list of the recommended factory service upgrades that
Cinematronics sent out to all distributors, and operators who sent in their
warranty cards. It is safe to assume that not all games had these modifications
made and you should verify each one as it relates to your game.

July, 1980
ATTN: Distributors/Operators
RE: High Speed Analog Switch (LF13331) modification

Dear Serviceperson(s):
The Analog switch in Cinematronics monitors can be damaged if the -15 volt
supply line reaches the chip before the +15 volt line. Addition of a 1N914 diode
protects against this condition.

Attach the cathode (banded end) of the diode to pin 4 of the Analog Switch
socket. Attach the anode to pin 5. After soldering, clean thoroughly with proper
solvent or resin remover solution.


September 24, 1980
Attn: Distributors/ Operators
Re: DAC-80 Modification

Dear Serviceperson(s):
In order to assure prolonged reliability of IC1 (LF13331) on Cinematronics'
monitors, a current limiting resistor is being added to the outputs of the
horizontal and vertical DAC's. This is a recommended retrofit for all existing

Add 1 each 820 ohm, 1/4 watt resistor to underside of board between pins 15 --
and 18, per follow& diagram; Be sure to sever trace at the indicated location.

Vertical DAC -- IC101
Horizontal DAC -- IC201

This modification does not apply to units equipped with analog switch
substitution board.

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