Re: Quantum spotted Portland OR auction

From: Cris Rhea <>
Date: Mon Oct 27 2003 - 11:31:20 EST

> Just a heads up for any list members in the Oregon area.
> I was just looking thru ebay listings and there's a Quantum
> cab in the background of auction #3249828220

I've been out of the loop for a while in vector collecting... how rare is
a Quantum cabinet? Does anybody know the serial number ranges for

I'd previously heard of Quantum, but had never seen one of the cabinets
until this photo...

I ask all this because it turns out I have one of these cabinets. I knew it
was an Atari cabinet just from the style of the artwork, but had no idea
what it was originally (it's been converted to a Street Fighter).

--- Cris

 Cristopher J. Rhea                     Mayo Foundation
 Research Computing Facility             Pavilion 2-25
 crhea@Mayo.EDU                        Rochester, MN 55905
 (507) 284-0587                        Fax: (507) 284-5231
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