Re: Curse of Clay Cowgill - Chronical of Carnage

From: <>
Date: Fri Mar 17 2006 - 16:26:30 EST

I've had two run-ins with glass. The first one I was putting a piece of glass from a Tempest behind my games that were lined up in the garage. There was a concrete ridge made by the cinder blocks that lined the garage and I was setting it on there. Suddenly I'm not holding it anymore and I pulled out all 6 games to find glass behind them.

The other time was intentional, a friend of mine from the local pin club said, come over and we'll break some glass. So I took the video camera over and he smashed it with hammers and banged it on the concrete. Looks really cool when it explodes. I put the clip in my Pins & Vids video and people still comment on it (

Also in that video you can see Tim Arnold pulling the glass out of a pingame and resting it on his foot before putting it on the floor. This is suppose to reduce the impact level and the chance that it will explode.

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Received on Fri Mar 17 16:26:36 2006

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