WG6100 HV problems and a deadly deflection board

From: Doug Hill <doug_at_grouplogic.com>
Date: Wed Jun 06 2007 - 14:41:13 EDT

Hello gang.

I'm a relative newbie when it comes to working on these X-Y monitors. I've recently got one of them working and I'm working on #2 which is having some issues I need help with.

Basically it was DOA when I got it so I installed a LV2000 and Zanen kit including the "upgrades" recommended in the 6100 FAQ. Presto - worked fine for a few weeks in a Tempest then dead with no HV. That is, there was no crackle as you switch the unit on. I had left it on over night so I never saw what happened but the game plays blind and you can hear the loud yoke chatter.

I had an extra HV cage so I switched it out and the monitor was back in action. However, there was an intermittent "clicking" coming from the HV area - actually it seemed to be coming from behind the SCREEN/FOCUS knobs. I took the cage cover off and turned out the lights but I couldn't see any arcing but I'm assuming that's what it is. Ideas?

Note the past tense in the above paragraph...the monitor is now dead again with no HV. As before the game is playing fine and you can hear the yoke chatter.

So, I now have several problems - TWO dead HV cages and, I'm guessing here, one deadly deflection PCB. My plan of attack is to first try and fix one or both of the HV units since I have an extra deflection board I can switch in to test those before moving on to the deadly deflection board.

Do you guys have any recommendations on where to start with the HV units? Could the crackle/arcing on HV#2 be caused by problems on the deflection board? I don't recall hearing arcing on HV#1 while it was working but perhaps it did while unattended.

Thanks for any advice you can give me.


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Received on Wed Jun 6 14:41:18 2007

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