Re: has any one run a ZVG under linux or started to try??

From: Lewis D'Aubin <>
Date: Mon Nov 10 2008 - 14:10:44 EST

>The problem there is price. My power draw is around 50 watts. I use an
>older Shuttle SK41G PC, about the size of a lunchbox, which easily sits
>inside just about any arcade cabinet.. thus allowing you to still have a
>case for supporting cards.

I've never had much trouble fitting a minitower case in an upright. But
when I REALLY don't have a lot of space (like in a cocktail) I utilize a
part of one of those tower cases with the L-shaped pull-out mainboard
deck. Removed from it's shell, the deck screws nicely against the wall of
a game with the integral card cage aimed down; you can throw the rest of
the tower away. I usually mount the P/S with the fan facing out the bottom
(cocktail) or back (upright) of the game, like a 'modern' arcade cabinet would.

Take a look:

My ZVG Vector MAME has an entire minitower in the bottom of the Armor
Attack cab in which it lives. It's a Compaq case with the plastic crap
removed. Cozy fit, but it's still fairly easy to remove from the cab in
one piece, when necessary. The computer lives in the empty left side of
the case behind the P/S; the Armor Attack boardset is still installed at
the right and can be switched over in about 2 minutes if you wish to
compare native gameplay to emulated! I'll have to take some pictures of
that setup to show you all.


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