Re: Mysterious shiny new deflection board in WG6100

From: Jordan B <>
Date: Tue Apr 19 2011 - 18:06:58 EDT

Arcadeshop replacement deflection PCB.

On 4/19/11, Xyla DuVal <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I just bought a nice Tempest machine with a non-functioning WG6100
> monitor. It looks like the HV board caught on fire. I have found
> rebuild guides and schematics online, so I am in the process of
> attempting to rebuild that board.
> However the main reason I am posting is that I was shocked when I saw
> the deflection board in this monitor. It is shiny and brand new
> looking, and totally different from what I am used to. I have been
> out of the vector game collecting loop for several years and am just
> now getting back to it with this Tempest project, but I used to own a
> few Atari machines with WG 6100s and none of them had anything like
> this. Could anyone tell me what this board is and where it comes
> from? Here is a photo:
> The other problem with my monitor is it has a HUGE burn spot in the
> center. I've been googling and looking at old forums threads, and
> from everything I've found it sounds like the CRT tube situation is
> really dire. I was wondering if there were any sources left at all
> for replacement tubes (used or new), or if they really are completely
> gone now. I've read that some TV's in the 80's used the same tube,
> and I had the idea of trying to find one... but without knowing which
> ones use the 19VLUP22 it would probably be an expensive failure.
> Thank you for any assistance,
> Xyla
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Jordan B
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Received on Tue Apr 19 18:07:01 2011

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