Re: General Question about the Electrohome G07

From: Teaganm <>
Date: Sat Mar 24 2001 - 08:19:10 EST

Another solution I've used with success is to add fuse holders right to
the board. Radio Shack sells pc-mount fuse holders for the 1 1/4" and 5mm
fuses (270-744). They are a 2 prong mount. Trim off one prong and they
can be soldered right to the board in the old fuse location. Clean
installation and easy to change the fuse.


--- tom mcclintock <> wrote:
> Matt,
> As an aside, I saw a neat hack which replaced the small fuse with two
> wire leads that came out to a normal 'full-sized' single fuse assembly
> mounted on the side of the chassis. This way, if the fuse keeps blowing
> its (a) easy to get to, and (b) cheaper to replace. Those small fuses
> are relatively expensive!
> tm
> Matt Rossiter wrote:
> >
> > I'm not an electronics engineer so maybe this question might be simple
> > (also not an Engish major as you can tell). One of my G07's was
> blowing
> > the small fuse next to the large filter capacitor due to some problems
> > with the X01 transistor and the flyback unit being dead. Well, I
> fixed
> > all that and it works now, but I didn't realize until I worked on the
> > monitor that the filter capacitor doesn't discharge without the fuse
> in
> > place. I got shocked a couple time before deciding I ought to measure
> > the voltage accross the leads and it held a 150v charge for a long
> > time. We're talking a full day. I had this issue with the spare
> > monitor that I took the fuse out of as well. It even seemed like the
> > capacitor was even *building* a charge by itself. Why is this?
> >
> > Matt
> >
> >
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