Re: Major Havoc

From: Kurt Mahan <>
Date: Tue Nov 11 1997 - 16:28:29 EST

> >2 . Would it be easy to duplicate (haven't downloaded the schematics yet)
> Yep. Two layer, pretty simple. Main problem there is that it's physically
> a pretty large PCB. Just be kinda expensive to make.

Actually there are two varieties of quad pokeys floating around.

There is the board with 4 pokeys (40-pin socketed) on it. There is also
another version where atari turned out a tiny little board with 4 blobs
on it (each blob is a pokey die directly attached to the board).. I prefer
the "big" version because it is fixable.. :)


 * This version of Kurt Mahan is currently being evaluated. Words he speaks
 * are those of him only and not those of Novell or anybody else.
 * Novell Java Technologies R&D Group
 * Kurt Mahan
Received on Tue Nov 11 13:23:18 1997

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