RE: Display Corrector...

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Mon May 11 1998 - 19:24:10 EDT

> Long time no talk. I'm new to the vectorlist and your post has
> peaked my curiousity... I have a few questions about it - if you have
> a few minutes could you clear up a few of them for me??
I was going to just reply to Tom directly, but I figured there might be
other people new to the list...

> Are you saying here that you'll be able to hook up a WG XY monitor to
> other games such as Sega XY games? (In place of that electrohome
> monitor?) How about the b/w cinematronics games - like space war? ;^)
The Display Corrector takes the X and Y deflections signals from a
vector game (presumably Major Havoc or Star Wars, but it should work on
anything) and applies a mathematical "correction factor" to the X output
to help correct the "pincushion" effect seen when running Star Wars (or
MH) on a Wells Gardner monitor. The same effect is present in Sega
Vector games when running on WG monitors.

There's a couple other people working on Cinematronics->WG display
adapters. I haven't tried yet, but might give it a go if someone else
doesn't come up with a pre-packaged solution. ;-)

The display corrector seems to make a big difference when running Star
Wars on a Wells Gardner monitor. It's subtle, but makes the display as
a whole much more "pleasing". It's tough to describe. I think TravisH
and ChrisH have seen it running on my machine-- maybe they can describe
it better...

I did a little web-page about it a long while back:

> Will you be notifing the maillist when these are finished?
Yep, I'll fire off a little blurb about it.

Received on Mon May 11 16:26:46 1998

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