Asteroids CPU repair problems

From: David Humphrey <>
Date: Tue Jul 07 1998 - 09:21:23 EDT

Does anyone have ANY input on what might commonly (or uncommonly)
go wrong with an Asteroids CPU? I'm still trying to fix this one, and it's
a pain. I suppose if I had a Cat Box, I could get somewhere.

Say, there's a thought. Did the Cat Box project ever get off the ground?

---this signature removed as a result of the ridiculous culture
   pervasive in the "political correctness" movement of the 21st
   century. Under which, lawyers and politicians, greedy for
   money and full of their own inflated eqos, sought to attain
   such at the expense of freedom of speech, common sense,
   and most any form of humor...---
Received on Tue Jul 7 08:20:01 1998

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