TECH:? Monitor rebuilding WG6101 SD

From: Frank Kannemann <>
Date: Mon Feb 22 1999 - 23:54:55 EST


I had a working Space Duel and then starting getting blooming on 1 sec
intervals and then blank screen and now perma blank screen ;-(

I managed to get the monitor out and the HV Bd/Box out (is it me or is
that a pain in the a**?)...

I have a cap kit on order but it hasn't got here yet (great white north
and the border patrol.....:-)

So, being a rank amateur at this I discovered the follow problems:

1) R908 2.2 ohm 2w resistor seems open

2) ZD900 13V 1W Zdiode seems to be open both ways

so, I think these are no-brainer replacements required....

The next 2 I am not sure about:

3) R928 56K 1W resistor seems to start at 80K and within a second
or 2 settle to 56K. None of the other resistors seem to do this
is this acceptable?

4) D902 which only says Silicon Diode seems to read inconsistantly.
Some readings everything seems ok other times it seems bad...
is that possible? replace it anyway? if yes what would its specs be?
* this seems to be in an area dealing with white control (or so the
pcb seems to indicate) and the whites where kinda this

I haven't checked the caps yet but visuals look ok....

So, could replacing these parts possibly lead to a fix? Or just go ahead
and do it?

TIA everyone....

Received on Mon Feb 22 22:58:00 1999

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