Re: Tempest/Vector Breakout (was Tempest Multigame)

From: Rod Spade <>
Date: Thu May 27 1999 - 00:00:07 EDT

Instead of using free-play for such a game, it would be cool to have a
hardware hack such that when you press a start button, it automatically
gives you the appropriate number of credits, then starts the game. (I'm
sure Clay will whip that up in his spare time.) ;-)

Clay Cowgill wrote:
> I don't have anything against free-play modes from a conceptual
> standpoint-- my beef is that some games treat free-play the same as if
> coins have dropped. In some games that means the display just sits at a
> screen saying "press start" and the demo mode/title screen/etc.
> disappear forever.
Received on Wed May 26 22:56:57 1999

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