RE: Ampliphone HV-other options?!

From: David Shoemaker (Comforce/RhoTech) <>
Date: Fri Jun 11 1999 - 18:28:04 EDT

What I want is a simple way to bench test Ampliphone sets without having to
haul a tube out of a cabinet. Is there a safe way to hookup a deflection /
HV set without having the tube?

I kind of figured no as I would also have to have the deflection coil and
tube socket hooked up to something.

I was thinking about trying to just mount the tube in a WG frame and find
ways to mount the HV / deflection boards to that. Kind of wrap it all up as
a package for ease of testing.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Zonn
> Sent: Friday, June 11, 1999 2:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Ampliphone HV-other options?!
> On Fri, 11 Jun 1999 13:20:37 -0700, you wrote:
> >> We could hook up (backwards) a 50v
> >> (25vct) transformer to the output of the 50v transformer
> supplying the
> >> power to the monitor to get 120volts, but it's probably
> easier just to
> >> find an isolation transformer. Up until the most current
> generation
> >> of WG monitors, one was required, there must be many
> floating around.
> >>
> >I think we can get 1:1 isolation transformers for probaly
> $10-12 each.
> >Maybe even less $$$ since we don't need as much current as
> "usual" (not
> >driving the color guns and deflection off it).
> >
> >So is it "safe" for an HV transformer to have its anode
> coupled to ground
> >through a resistor? (To just burn off the HV output without
> having to hook
> >it up to an actual CRT.) Might not want to be generating
> soft x-rays while
> >figuring things out...
> I was thinking of hooking it up to an actual CRT. I need to measure
> the filtered peak voltage generated by the HV section. I'm not sure
> my voltmeter would follow the strange waveforms that might be
> generated without the filtering. It is a Fluke, and it is supposed
> being measuring "True RMS", but still I'm interested in peaks.
> I was under the impression the x-rays are generated by the electron
> beam from the gun. I only want to use the CRT as a big capacitor
> (with an over 30kv breakdown voltage). I don't think just having a
> big capacitor charged up to 30kv will generate x-rays, that sounds too
> much like free energy.
> -Zonn
> FWIW: I'm currently moving full-time now (still looking for a place,
> everything is going from my current condo into a storage unit, for the
> time being.) I'm not sure I'm going to have a decent work bench
> throughout the summer. It could be a few months before I can wire
> something up...
Received on Fri Jun 11 17:51:50 1999

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