Re: various vector...

From: Dan Todd <>
Date: Tue Jan 11 2000 - 21:26:16 EST


I hardly ever contribute, unfortunately, but I do learn a fair amount by
lurking. I love the vector related FS posts. There are so few on the list it
seems ridiculous not to allow VECTOR related FS posts. If someone would start a
list with FS's allowed please LMK.

 If the list is to help the subscribers, why not take a quick head count on
selling vector stuff and change the rule if necessary. Why is this no sales rule
set in stone?

Seems we've wasted more time with discussing FS stuff than if it was allowed.

Why not require FS in the subject line so it could easily be filtered by those
"few" that are offended, and let the rest of us enjoy a total vector experience
with tech and parts available here?


On Tue, 11 Jan 2000 15:09:57 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>So if it's decided that there's zero tolerance policy for sales of any
>sort, I'll start a list on Synthcom. Arguing about such petty shit is a
>waste of time, and severly off topic. The people on this list and their
>posts are quite valuable, including the for sale posts, so don't make
>those of us who do appreciate relevant forsale posts suffer because of
>an emotional inability to hit the delete key.
Received on Tue Jan 11 20:23:12 2000

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