Re: Asteroids Multigame RFC...

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 16:34:27 EST

FWIW, Asteroids and Asteroids Deluxe I have fully relocating now. Lunar
Lander I'm close, but it crashes if I move it. Still working on it.

> 1) RAM based architecture (so games can be patched on the fly, new graphics
> loaded, new games written, etc.)

That'd be cool if it had some sort of external interface (like a parallel

> 2) Non-volatile RAM for high-score/settings saving

Nice, but not mandatory. But a pause button would be REALLY nice - we
could implement that in the code easily, though.

> 3) POKEY Chip for Asteroids Deluxe sounds and I/O

Without question.

> 4) Analog->Digital convertor for Analog Thrust Controller input

Can't the Pokey do this as it sits? Nothing is used in the analog input
portion of the pokey currently.

> For Lunar Lander's thrust control I was planning on just using Fire and
> Thrust as a two-bit thrust input-- Thrust= 75% thrust, Fire = 25% thrust,
> both = 100% thrust. Tapping Fire or Thrust will approximate less thrust
> power than 75% or 25%. I think it'd work fine (Moon Lander on the Vectrex
> uses the analog controller for thrust, or you can just use a button and
> "tap" it. I usually use the button...)

Why not just have thrust come on when you hit thrust? Have it slowly
increase to maximum and decrease as well? Gravity is so heavy even on the
lightest setting that this should be easy to do.


Neil Bradley Seti@Home Hall of Shame on a 80386DX16, Intel 80387
Synthcom Systems, Inc. 32MB RAM, Win 95 Status: 48.425% complete
ICQ # 29402898 CPU Time: 1721 Hours 14 minutes 53.4 sec

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