Asteroids Multigame RFC...

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 16:02:27 EST in Request For Comment. :-)

I got to thinking about Neil's code relocation project and my Ast/Dlx/LL
multigame so I'm looking for some feedback.

How important do any of you feel about the following features of the
Asteroids/Deluxe/Lunar Lander multigame:

1) RAM based architecture (so games can be patched on the fly, new graphics
loaded, new games written, etc.)

2) Non-volatile RAM for high-score/settings saving

3) POKEY Chip for Asteroids Deluxe sounds and I/O

4) Analog->Digital convertor for Analog Thrust Controller input

I'm of the opinion that #1 is not needed, #2 would be nice, #3 is mandatory,
and #4 would be nice.

What I'm getting at is that if I use my general-purpose 6502 Multigame
platform for this project and just add a POKEY to it, I'm basically done.
If I do that though, the RAM based system is out the window... I do have
NVSRAM though, and the Analog thrust input might still work by using a POKEY
analog input...

(So what I'm proposing is a less "gee-whiz", but more immediately available
Ast/Dlx/LL multigame for Asteroids hardware.)

For Lunar Lander's thrust control I was planning on just using Fire and
Thrust as a two-bit thrust input-- Thrust= 75% thrust, Fire = 25% thrust,
both = 100% thrust. Tapping Fire or Thrust will approximate less thrust
power than 75% or 25%. I think it'd work fine (Moon Lander on the Vectrex
uses the analog controller for thrust, or you can just use a button and
"tap" it. I usually use the button...)

Feel free to e-mail me at if you don't think the commentary
needs the full vector-list attention...


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