Re: Asteroids Multigame RFC...

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 20:22:55 EST

>FWIW, Asteroids and Asteroids Deluxe I have fully relocating now. Lunar
>Lander I'm close, but it crashes if I move it. Still working on it.

Cool. Sounds neat.

> > 1) RAM based architecture (so games can be patched on the fly, new
> > loaded, new games written, etc.)
>That'd be cool if it had some sort of external interface (like a parallel

Yeah, I keep putting little expansion things on the stuff I do, but I don't
think they ever really get used. Having RAM and everything out there is
really best if other people would develop code for it, but I suspect that
wouldn't happen anyway. I'm inclined to just drop it for now.

> > 2) Non-volatile RAM for high-score/settings saving
>Nice, but not mandatory. But a pause button would be REALLY nice - we
>could implement that in the code easily, though.

True. Did Asteroids/DLX/LL use NMI? I have that easily accessable on my
board-- could use that to interrupt and save a game to RAM actually. ;-)

Otherwise I suppose we could just put a check for P1 Start in the main loop.
  Pause if P1 Start is hit during the game...

Actually, maybe something like "Hyperspace + P2 Start = Menu" would be cool

> > 4) Analog->Digital convertor for Analog Thrust Controller input
>Can't the Pokey do this as it sits? Nothing is used in the analog input
>portion of the pokey currently.

Yeah, I'm not 100% sure. Going from memory, I thought that POKEY's inputs
were connected to the dip switch block for Asteroids Deluxe settings. But,
if the code relocation goes OK it'd be easy to have the games read settings
from the NVSRAM anyway and use the menu program to set preferences.

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