Re: Smaller CRT's

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 11:23:58 EDT

Check the HV requirements of the tube you want to use, larger tubes need a
higher HV and thus smaller tubes might be overdriven... I don't think it
will be high enough to create even soft X-Rays, but you might want to
check. Just a thought...

John :-#)#

At 12:41 AM 13/05/2003 -0700, Matt Rossiter wrote:

>I was just thinking of some interesting ways of making my test bench
>smaller because of my limited space. A little while ago I scanned in the
>B&K CRT Setup Chart which not only makes a good cross-reference guide, but
>also allows you to cross-over different sizes by looking at the matching
>So, a 19" amplifone CRT (19VLUP22) should be compatible with anything
>using adapter #23 according to the Setup Chart right?
>I found a 13" CRT (13VBLP22) that uses the same adapter and a 15"
>(15VATP22). You could probably build a cool cocktail star wars game with
>a 13" monitor. :)
>For Wells Gardner 6100 the 19" tube is 19VLUP22 and uses B&K CRT adapter #24
>So does 13VAYP22 and 15VAYP22.
>So, I suppose the only concern might be the size of the yokes, but for
>bench test purposes it might not make that big of a difference.
>Any thoughts?

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