Re: Curse of Clay Cowgill - Chronical of Carnage

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Fri Mar 17 2006 - 18:53:51 EST

> I was pulling the playfield glass out of this Gottlieb Spiderman I'm
> working on and about halfway out, it just bursts in my hands. All over
> the playfield, floor, tools, etc. etc. etc. To make matters even worse,
> it was a WIDEBODY game...

Heh... Well, I feel better now that other people have similar stories.
Misery loves company and all that. ;-)

The only other time I broke a glass was about ~10 years or so ago-- also a
vector game-- but that time it wasn't exactly unprovoked... I tried to tilt
and turn my Star Wars cab around by one corner on our slightly sloped
driveway. It did a lovely pirouette finishing out with a fairly
gut-wrenching face plant onto the concrete. Rick Schieve saved me with a
spare glass on that one. ;-) Everything else worked fine ever since until
the monitor finally went out on me this winter. (It's still my SW/ESB kit
test machine.)


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