Sega Space Ship pinout (Space Wars Clone)

From: Fabrice GIRARDOT <>
Date: Sun Jan 17 2010 - 19:46:15 EST

Hi all.

I finished to create the SEGA Space Ship pinout file.

I know it's usually a bad idea to attach a file to
a mail sent to a mailing-list.
But doing a copy-paste here would not make the e-mail
smaller in size and would also perhaps break lines.

There are 1 input and 1 output that are unknown to me :
input A8 pin 8 (EXTERNAL_HIGH)
output F2 pin 12 (O7)

I'm still working in repairing my PCB.
I already changed N2 and T2 who were bad for sure.
Now, I think at least 1 memory chip is bad since
I have strange output.
Both pictures are RAM at L14, pin 16 :
It is not a DSO hallucination (also tested at faster speed).
When I exchange 2 memory chips, I do NOT have the same

I'm gonna buy replacement chips.
I only found 400 ns chips, and SEGA's chips are 200 ns.
Can anybody tell me if 400 ns memory chips would be
fast enough for the CCPU ?

Also I took some pictures of the SEGA Space Ship cabinet
control panel. Pictures are posted here:

If somebody wants more pictures, please let me know.
I'll send some good pictures to klov, since there's none for this game.



Space Ship
SEGA, 1978

PCB is a CCPU (Cinematronic CPU).
It has 6 PROMs with CCPU micro-code and 8 PROMs with game code & data.
Game is Cinematronic's Space Wars.

                        Parts side | Solder side
pinout by F4b GND | 1 | A | GND
v1.0 GND | 2 | B | GND
                          GND | 3 | C | GND
                          +5V | 4 | D | +5V
                          +5V | 5 | E | +5V
    (used by audio only) +25V | 6 | F | +25V (used by audio only)
    (used by audio only) -25V | 7 | H | -25V (used by audio only)
               coin meter out | 8 | J |
                    speaker + | 9 | K | speaker +
                              | 10 | L | EXTERNAL_HIGH [A8 pin 8]
             out7 [F2 pin 12] | 11 | M |
                  coin SW, NO | 12 | N | coin SW, NC
            player 1, forward | 13 | P | coin SW, common (=GND)
            player 1, right | 14 | R | player 2, left
            player 1, left | 15 | S | player 2, right
                  keypad SW 5 | 16 | T | player 2, forward
                  keypad SW 1 | 17 | U | keypad SW 0
                  keypad SW 2 | 18 | V | keypad SW 6
                  keypad SW 3 | 19 | W | keypad SW 7
                  keypad SW 4 | 20 | X | keypad SW 8
                     reset SW | 21 | Y | keypad SW 9
         player 1, hyperspace | 22 | Z | player 2, fire
         player 2, hyperspace | 23 | a | player 1, fire
                          GND | 24 | b | GND
                          GND | 25 | c | GND
         INTENSIFY [J2 pin 3] | 26 | d |
                    (LSB) Y0 | 27 | e | BRIGHT [J2 pin 11]
                          Y2 | 28 | f | Y1
                          Y4 | 29 | h | Y3
                          Y6 | 30 | j | Y5
                          Y8 | 31 | k | Y7
                          Y10 | 32 | l | Y9
 INITIAL_POSITION [H8 pin 13] | 33 | m | Y11(MSB)
                    (LSB) X0 | 34 | n | LINE_DRAWING [I8 pin 2]
                          X2 | 35 | p | X1
                          X4 | 36 | r | X3
                          X6 | 37 | s | X5
                          X8 | 38 | t | X7
                          X10 | 39 | u | X9
                              | 40 | v | X11 (MSB)

   o) letters "G", "I", "O", "Q", "g", "i", "o" and "q" are not used as pin reference.
   o) speaker is 8 ohms 10 W ; pin "-" is connected to GND
   o) 2nd coin meter pin is connected to +25V
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