Tempest Multigame (orders)

From: Clay Cowgill <ClayC_at_diamondmm.com>
Date: Thu May 13 1999 - 14:36:18 EDT

Hi everyone.

Ok, I talked to my boardhouse and after spelling things to each other
(China-- slight language barrier!) for a bit it sounds like I should
have Tempest Multigame kits in about two weeks. (That or I'm going to
get a bunch of surplus Tamagochi-- depends if they're still holding a
grudge about that whole "Embassy" thing...)

So, I'll take pre-orders on the kit now!

Here's the deal:

        Tempest Multigame $75 each
        "Two-Button Reset adapter" $3.50 each
        Shipping is $7 for first kit, $2 each additional

I only get one of the reset adapters for each Multigame, so you're
limited to just one per kit. If people want them for other reasons (use
on a MultiPac/Sega Multigame, need a little board that converts a TTL
signal to a DPDT relay, whatever) let me know and I might do a run of
those separately...

The kit will come with a printed manual. Pretty much like the SW/ESB,
MultiPac, etc. content-wise. (Pictures, step-by-step, suggestions.)

The only "catch" here is that I need to receive payment prior to May
31st, 1999. (I'll go by the post-mark if in doubt.)

After May 31st, 1999 pricing will jump up to $99 each plus $7 for the
reset adapters.

I hope to start shipping before the end of the month. Most orders will
go UPS Ground. "PO Boxes" or "Box xxx" addresses freak out UPS here, so
those will ship by USPS Priority Mail.

Please use the order form at:


Received on Thu May 13 13:36:44 1999

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