RE: Tempest Multigame (behaviour)

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Wed May 26 1999 - 15:45:22 EDT

> It don't work that way, there's always a skill level that people top
> out at.
> You can't "cheat" in Tempest by simply racking up credits.
Sure you can. If I start from the beginning of the game and play out
the normal course of the game, let's say I make it to level 20 with
140,000 points (I don't know if that makes "real" sense or not, it's
just a sample number).

Now then, if I just start the next game at the highest starting level
possible (maybe 19? I don't know the "rules" on that in Tempest) as long
as I complete the wave I get a starting bonus of, say, 180,000 points.
So right off the bat I'm 40,000 points higher than I can normally play

Now I'm farther than I can normall make it to, but I've got a few lives
left. As long as I can make it past a rack or two I can start my next
game a level or two higher-- maybe level 22 with a completion bonus of
215,000 or something. As long as I can finish that one wave I get the
bonus and a new high score-- fully 75,000 points above my "skill level",
or almost better than half again what'd I'd get if I started at level 1
(or 9).

At some point I probably top out and can't get past a certain level
because I lose all my lives before completing it, but I can still "run
up" the points by essentially just playing for the starting bonus.

It works-- I used to use it to knock my old roommate's scores off the
list. ;-) (He was a much better player than I, but I could always shove
him off the list by just playing for the bonus enough times.)

Received on Wed May 26 14:46:08 1999

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