Tempest Multigame (behaviour)

From: Clay Cowgill <ClayC_at_diamondmm.com>
Date: Tue May 25 1999 - 19:46:40 EDT

> have it menu selectable to boot to the menu or to the last selected
> game.
Sounds like I might just need to add a screen to the menu system...
I'll leave the game selection screen as-is, but allow switching to the
"preferences" with the super-zapper button. The preferences will allow
you to pick either booting to the the Main Menu or the last selected
game, clear scores for VBreakout (looks like they survive a Tempest
test-mode "erase" cycle), or anything else if I can think of anything

Anyone see any use in being able to deliberately set high score values
(or time in play/credits) for Tempest? I figured out all the data in the
EAROM and can change it at will now... (Kinda funny-- it assumes the
data is right when displayed. You can have 2nd and 3rd high scores that
are larger than the top score... ;-)

Thanks for the feedback,
Received on Tue May 25 18:46:53 1999

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