Re: Relocatable vector games available

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 16:12:01 EST

>Where do you think the price point will land on this project, just so I can
>start budgeting for it now?

Complexity-wise it'll be a bit more than what the Tempest Multigame is, but
I'd still wager a guess that I'll price it at $99. Leaving off the SRAM and
extra A/D will save a little. The NVSRAM will add some cost above that of
the Tempest Multigame and the POKEY and a larger PCB will add up too. The
EPROMs will be smaller though, so I'll save a couple bucks there.

I can probably get it all working with just one prototype run, so that'll
help keep the overhead lower. I'll go ahead and do a full PCB fabrication
run (soldermask, silkscreens, etc) which makes it more expensive, but it
just looks a lot nicer and it probably more robust that way too. (Kinda
funny though-- the Multigame PCB's will likely be better quality than the
Asteroids board they're plugging into... ;-)

If I'm stuck with a lot of PCB's and I'm tired of desoldering POKEY's by the
end of the first run I might bump the price up to $109 or $119 or something
until I run out of them. (I keep a lower price early on to recoup my
investment quickly, then raise price once I'm covered to lock-in profits.)


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