Re: Lunar Lander help

From: Commander Dave <>
Date: Sun Jun 22 2003 - 11:20:59 EDT


The self test will generate video, but not very much. It definitely don't
generate a cross-hatch or any other alignment display. I was going to send
you the appropriate pages from the manual, but forgot that I haven't got my
scan online yet. I do have the backdoor sheet, however, which does detail
the self test and shows a screen. Here is the link: (file is 1.7MB)

As for the freeze spray, I can't say for sure, but I have frosted many of
chip and never had a problem. I don't frost them on purpose, but sometimes
you just can't help it. Use the freeze spray carefully and accurately as
possible. Also, use only enough to do the job - that stuff is expensive and
goes fast! ;-)

Good luck - hope you get your board fixed.
-Commander Dave

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joel Rosenzweig" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2003 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: Lunar Lander help

> I'm still wondering about the self test. Does anyone know if LL self test
> is supposed to generate any video? And is freeze spray or the frost
> conductive, or can we spray it till our hearts content without fear of
> shorting out any components?
> Regards,
> Joel-

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