Wells Gardner "display corrector"...

From: Clay Cowgill <ClayC_at_diamondmm.com>
Date: Mon Jan 26 1998 - 19:12:52 EST

Hi everyone,

I needed a break from building Sega Multigame boards (yes, the first
batch should be shipping tomorrow!) this weekend, so I started messing
with my WG display corrector board again.

(Ok, so the real story is that I cleaned off my work-bench and *found*
the WG corrector board after 6 months...)

For those of you that are new (or don't remember) this is basically just
a smaller Major Havoc "translator" board that sits on a Star Wars/ESB or
Major Havoc board and corrects the "bowtie" look on a Wells Gardner

I'm going to make a run of them (eventually) so I'm doing my usual "who
wants one" poll.

I'm trying to decide what to do with the layout. Do any of you have
MC1495L's in DIP format that you would want to install yourself? The
actual "kit" part should be pretty cheap-- maybe on the order of $10-15.
The MC1495's are expensive (like $10-15 each, and you need two) in DIP
form, but I can get them as surface mount for about $8 each.

So-- would you prefer:

a) basic kit that you plug two 1495's (suplied by you) into for say...


b) fully assembled board with 1495's for... $32

Let me know-- no big rush-- just gathering info.


Clayton N. Cowgill Engineering Manager
/\ Diamond Multimedia System, Inc.
\/ Communications Division
Received on Mon Jan 26 16:14:30 1998

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